4 Micro-Habits of Successful Managers

How to Bring Out the Best in Your Employees

6 min readAug 16, 2021
Successful manager with a winning team

No single action that a person takes makes them a great manager, rather it is a collection of small decisions that makes one successful at managing others. These small decisions are called micro-habits. Micro-habits are small but significant changes to your normal routine that cause your actions to better align with your goals. They can be modified to cater to your specific goals, but they are simple enough that they can be implemented by anyone.

The following 4 micro-habits have been adopted by some of the world’s most successful managers. Try them out for yourself and see what a difference they make to your business!

Benefits of goal setting

1. Communicate Goals, Not Just Tasks

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, ensures to always keep his employees in the loop when it comes to company goals. People are more motivated when they know that they are personally contributing to a common goal. Therefore, Musk knows that it is imperative to let your employees know what they are working towards.

“People work better when they know what the…




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